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Harris County Academy of Family Physicians
a local chapter of the Texas Academy of Family Physicians.
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Resident Attendance
Rules for the 2020-2021 residents’ Attendance Award

The annual residents’ attendance award will be based on attendance by residents at Harris County Chapter meetings from September, 2020, through April 2021.    

The following rules will apply:

For attendance to count toward award, residents must RSVP; and the RSVP must be received by the Chapter’s administrative office by the date indicated on the meeting announcement.  

If a resident RSVP’s and does not attend the meeting, one point will be deducted from the total points for that program.  If a resident is unable to attend after sending in the RSVP, another resident may attend in that resident's place and there will be no penalty.

To make the award more equitable, a special formula that compensates for the difference in the number of residents in each program will be applied when calculating the total points.

If, after the April 2021 meeting, no residency program has any points, the award will not be given.

The $1,000 award may be used by the residents of the winning residency program for anything they choose, such as a party or to purchase something for their lounge.

In addition, at the May 2021, meeting, a special prize will be awarded to the individual resident who attends the most meetings from September, 2020, through April, 2021.  In case of a tie, a prize will be awarded to each winner.